God's Glory

God's Glory

Friday, January 7, 2011

5 Steps to Make Your New Year Resolution Work

Hi, Jesus still loves you
I will be a better spouse, father or mother this year, I will not smoke or drink anymore, and I will start this business finally this year, etc. You must have heard or made such New Year resolutions last year and probably this year again. A new year should be better than the previous and making a quality decision to work towards it is very important. The issue is how can I ensure that I don’t give up after some weeks or months?

Many times I had made resolutions that I couldn’t keep till the end of the year. But through some studies and experience, I have come to realise that it is not by my might, nor by my power but by the help of God. Our weak points, trials and temptations can so strong that we need divine empowerment to be able to overcome them.

So how can you make your New Year resolution work this time

1. Make a resolution
Identify what you need to see changed this year and make a decision to change it. To wish it away or to TRY to change it is as good as saying, “Let this issue remain as it is”. Make an active decision to finally resolve the issue and you are on your way to putting it to rest.

2. Acknowledge your incapability
Until you accept that you need help, you will still be struggling with your resolution. Many failed to fulfil their New Year resolution, not because they were not determined enough but because they were overcome by temptations, challenges and fleshly desires. The spirit may be willing but the flesh is weak. (Mathew 26:41)

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