God's Glory

God's Glory

Friday, December 31, 2010

Preparing For a Most Fruitful New Year

Hi, Jesus is forever on the throne.
The end of a year opens up for a new year.  It is exciting and full of great expectation for some people but for others, it is full of uncertainty and crowded with fears. Many start the New Year with enthusiasm but end the year disappointed. However, this will not be so when there is adequate preparation.

A new year is a time for a new beginning and a fresh start. As the word “New” implies, the year had never been and surely no subsequent one will be the same with it. The past year may have been full of challenges and disappointment but you need to let them pass with the year. Start afresh and expect a most fruitful new year.

In this article, I give 7 simple steps to prepare for a fruitful new year

1. Evaluation
Every athlete takes a step backwards in preparation for a speedy take off. It is also necessary to take a look back into the preceding year in order to gain momentum for the New Year. Evaluate your actions and results, learn from your mistakes and move on. Examine your victory steps and gain more understanding.

2. Thanksgiving
Count your blessings, name them one by one and give glory to God. Even if the year went sour compared to your expectation, there are certainly many things to thank God for if you will take a moment to think. Thank God for the past year and the New Year. God is the author of the New Year and knows the end from the very beginning. Thanksgiving unto God moves Him to act on your behalf.

3. Expectation
Your expectation will not be cut off, what you expect is what you get. So, put down your expectations for the New Year. Write down both short and long term expectations that are achievable. This gives you targets to aim at and it turns on your creative ability. Read more...

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