God's Glory

God's Glory

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fervent Prayer-A Master Key to Unlimited Success

Prayer is the live wire of an unlimited breakthrough. The desire to enjoy all round success is uppermost in people’s minds and some work round the clock to achieve this. But very few employ the leverage of fervent prayer. Unstoppable breakthrough is a possibility to all who are ready to pay the price.

Many Christians know they ought to pray more fervently. The problem is the application of this knowledge. There are more urgent, though not important, issues that tend to crowd our minds. For some people, it may be sleep that won’t let them pray. But an understanding of the power of fervent prayer would change our attitude towards pray.

In a time like now, when the enemy knows that his time is running out, the devil will not fold his hands and allow saints to enjoy the blessings of God without putting up a fight. For every breakthrough there was at least one obstacle. To overcome such obstacles, the power of fervent prayer must be engaged.

The good news is that our Lord Jesus Christ has promised us a world of unlimited breakthrough if we will hold unto Him, (John 16:33). He is ready to take us through every step of the way. But we MUST ask Him for help in prayer with a heart full of expectation and faith. Read more...

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