God's Glory

God's Glory

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Unfailing Great Provider

Great Jehovah Jireh

Do you worry how your needs will be met? Do you have a deadline ahead of you and you are afraid you won't be able to meet up with your financial obligations or agreement. I have good news! You need not worry or fear, for there is one who is more than able to supply all your needs and on time.
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:19 (NKJV)
Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? - Jeremiah 32:27 (NKJV)
The almighty God, is the unfailing great provider, His riches are unlimited and the universe is at His beck and call to ensure that He delivers on time. He is never late and there is nothing hard for Him!
There is no need that you may have now that God cannot supply. The obstacles between you and your answered prayers are doubt and unbelief. God has proven times without number in the scriptures, in people's lives and even in your own life that He is more than able to meet all your needs. If you can believe all things are possible to you - Mark 9:23. With men, it may be impossible but not with God for all things are possible to God - Mark 10:27
Let's look at some scriptural examples of God's provision:
After Elijah proclaimed drought in Israel, he went and stayed by Brook Cherith and God sent a raven to feed him with bread and meat morning and evening till the brook dried up because of no rain. Then God sent him to the woman of Zarephath who fed him with a handful of flour and little oil that never finished - 1 Kings 17:1-16. Also, when Elijah was running away from Jezebeel, God sent an angel to feed him with baked cake and water twice, enough to keep him for forty days and forty nights - 1 Kings 19:5-8. God can supply your needs from anywhere and by anything or any person.
Furthermore, when the temple tax collectors inquired from Peter whether Jesus pays tax, Jesus asked Peter to go and collect the money from the mouth of the first fish he catches. Peter went and truly there was money in the mouth of the fish, which he used to pay his tax and the Lord's tax as He instructed - Matthew 17:24-27. And when Jesus was faced with the challenge of feeding five thousand men, besides women and children, he fed them with only two fishes and five loaves - Matthew 14:13-21 Read more...

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