God's Glory

God's Glory

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

God And Names Of Places And Events

What effect does a name of a place or an event have on it? Every place or event has a name, which is either carefully or carelessly thought of and given. As a name influences the life and destiny of the bearer, so also a name influences the happenings in a place or an event which bears it.

Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name - Genesis 2:19 (NKJV)

A name effectively describes a place or an event. It gives a good picture of what to expect from it; it is its name. And like a name on a person, the higher the frequency of its use the greater the effect on the place or event. And God respects and honours whatever name given to it.

God has given man the power and authority to fill and subdue the earth - Genesis 1:28. How you use this power determines what you get. Whatever Adam called each living creature was its name - Genesis 2:19. Whatever you call a place or event is its name.

The name will inevitably directly or indirectly affect people involved with it. Those living or working in a place will be affected by its name and those attending an event will be affected by its name. So, where do you live or work and what events do you attend?

This means house of God and was named by Jacob. The scriptures recorded that indeed people were having encounters with God there. In Genesis 12:7, God appeared to Abraham and promised to give him and his descendants the land where he was, and Abraham built an altar there.

When Jacob (Abraham's grandson) appeared on that land, God visited him and told him that He would give the land on which he laid to him and his descendants - Genesis 28:13. When Jacob woke up, he declared the place house of God and called it Bethel - Genesis 28:17-18. The name was then transferred to the city which was previously called Luz - Genesis 28:19

When Jacob left Laban and got to Canaan, God asked him to return to Bethel where He originally met with him, and there God reaffirmed His promise to give him and his descendants the land - Genesis 35:1-15
Furthermore, Bethel was the first place where the ark of the covenant of God was set up, and where the priests carried out the sacrifices and inquired of God - Judges 20:18, 26-28  Read more...

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