God's Glory

God's Glory

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What Is In The Name-I AM THAT I AM

Names are powerful and they describe the bearer’s character, attitude and future. Therefore, the significance of a name should be considered before a person or thing is named.  God, the initiator of this principle, applied this truth in all His names. The name, “I AM THAT I AM” certainly is not an exception. This article gives the meaning of this God’s name and how we can apply it in our daily walk with God.

The first time this name was mentioned was in Exodus 3:14 (KJV), “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you” Prior to this verse, Moses had asked God what he was to call Him if the children of Israel should ask for His name. Moses knew that the children of God would want to know what authority or power this God has to overcome their slave masters. The name of a god describes what to expect of him.

The name I AM THAT I AM means that out of all God’s names, He is what you believe Him to be to you. For instance, He is called Jehovah Ropheka- the Lord our Healer. If you believe Him to be your healer, then you will enjoy divine healing and good health. Again He is called Alpha and Omega. So if you believe Him to be the Alpha and Omega of your life, then you will trust Him with your whole life since He knows the beginning and the ending of your life.

Whatever name of God you believe in, the meaning of that name will be made manifest in your life. It is one thing to know the names of God and it is another thing to believe in the manifestation of their meaning in your life. Therefore, the significance of the name “I AM THAT I AM” in your life depends on your faith in the names of God. Read more...

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