God's Glory

God's Glory

Friday, November 19, 2010

Man’s Relationship with God

Hi Jesus loves you
“What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of (earthborn) man that You care for him”, Psalm 8:4. (AMP) God’s relationship with man is very important to Him. Man’s daily walk is a reflection of his relationship with God, whether good or bad. An understanding of God’s view of this connection will affect man’s way of life.

God instituted this relationship with man. He made man in His own likeness. (Gen 1:27). Man was created to be like God, think, speak and act like Him. Man was to have total dominion on earth while God rules in heaven. (Psalm 115:16) Also, He created man to fellowship with him. Gen 3:8 makes us to understand that God would come and fellowship with Adam in the garden in the cool of the day.

This relationship of God with man is motivated by His love for man. Even when Adam and Eve sinned, He still made a better covering (coats of skin) for them than the apron of fig leaves they made for themselves. (Gen 3:7, 21). And to express how much He loved man and desired a restoration of the kind of relationship He had with Adam and Eve, He gave His only son, Jesus Christ for mankind. (John 3:16)

Man violated this fellowship with God when Adam disobeyed God and obeyed the devil. (Gen 3:11, 17) Unfortunately people still disobey God and obey the devil, thereby affecting their relationship with God. Our fellowship with God is determined by how much we love Him and obey His Word. (John 14:23) The level of obedience to God created two categories of people with different levels of relationship with God- the people of the world and the believers (John 14:17-24) Read more...

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