God's Glory

God's Glory

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Confessions-Untapped Key to Success in Life

Have you been working very hard with no success in view? You have done all you know but the key to success seem to be missing. I have good news for you today; the untapped secret of success in life is confession. Confessions are like mortar binding up all your effort for speedy results.

Mark 11:23 tells us that we shall have what we say. In other words, we attract what we say to our lives. The things we are experiencing today are results of the things we said yesterdays. Also, our faith increases or decreases with what we say because faith comes by hearing. The more you keep hearing a particular thing the more you believe it.

The question now is what confessions are you to be making?
Many people work hard with their minds and hands, even with their resources but destroy all with their mouth. You need to change your words if that describes you. Learn to say ONLY what you want to have, no matter what the circumstances around you are screaming. Read more...

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