In my last post I gave the first 5 benefits of Church going for family life. Today, I want to share the last 5 benefits. Family is the bed rock of the church. Should the family be unstable, the church will certainly be affected. So, church activities are programmed among other things, to build a stable family life for members.
Here are the other benefits
1. Avoidance of trouble
Church going has been a great blessing to my family. We have kept away from troubles because we chose to be in church when there was service in church. The people who would have put us into trouble did not find us available for outings that would have ruined our family life.
2. Choice of company
Going to church enables you to choose the right company to keep. Children make friends with people that love God and will never lead them astray. Children who go to church and participate fully with their hearts tend to overcome peer pressure more.
3. Choice of spouse
When you go to church, you have the opportunity to meet and marry a God fearing person. The marriage foundation will be solid because both of you are on the same spiritual platform which is needed for a successful family life. Read more...