God's Glory

God's Glory

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

What To Learn From Joseph A Bible Character (Part 13)


Jacob's burial

After Jacob's death, Joseph commanded the physicians to embalm his father. And it took them forty days to do so, after which, the Egyptians mourned him for seventy days. Then, Joseph went and asked for permission to go and bury his father in Canaan. This is because Jacob had made him swear that he would bury him in the burial place bought by Abraham. And Pharaoh granted him permission to go and return.


So, Joseph, his brothers, their families, servants of Pharaoh, and the elders of Egypt all went to the land of Canaan to bury Jacob. And when they got there, they mourned Jacob for seven days. So, Jacob's sons did for him just as he commanded them; for they buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah that Abraham bought for a burial place. And after they buried Jacob, Joseph and all who went with him returned to Egypt.


Joseph reassures his brothers

After their father's death, Joseph's brothers feared that Joseph will revenge for all the evils they did to him. So, they sent some people to Joseph to tell him that their father, Jacob, requested that he forgive his brothers for what they did to him. Then, later Joseph's brothers also came and bowed before him telling him that they were his servants. And Joseph told them not to be afraid, that what they meant for evil, God meant for good. This is because he was sent to save many people from dying. Then, he comforted them and assured them that he would provide for them. Read more...





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