God's Glory

God's Glory

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Enjoying Life In Christ

How has life been to you? Would you recommend your type of life to someone else? Life really can be full of excitement if you have the right foundation. This article tells you why life in Jesus Christ enables you to enjoy life 

But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name - John 20:31 (KJV) (Emphasis mine)

Life without Christ is a life with crisis. Life is more than possession of wealth, position or power. Some people who have these and more are still miserable. Some of them even commit suicide. Yet in this life, there are some people who actually enjoy life. What is their secret? It is a life in Jesus Christ.

Having Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour is the greatest asset one can have in life. It is the right foundation to build on. It is possession of Jesus as your Lord, then other goodies that make life enjoying.

What to enjoy in Christ?
  •  Life of peace
Absolute peace can only be found in Jesus Christ. It is only when you have Jesus that you can be passing through challenges and still have peace. Presently the world is in chaos but believers are in peace. Their faith is in Jesus who takes care of them in every situation and has NEVER failed them. Read more...

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