God's Glory

God's Glory

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Beauty of Being Single

Who said being single is a disadvantage or something to be ashamed of? Who said single life prevents you from being successful in life?  Singlehood is a stage in one’s life that determines how fruitful the future will be. It is a stage you must make most of while you can.

Being married is wonderful but the success of any marriage is determined to a great extent what transpired in your life as a single. Enjoying being single while you are one will make you a happier married person. Love yourself in every stage of your life, including the single stage of your life.

You are complete and whole as a single and can enjoy a most successful life. Yes, to be married is great but if you are not yet one, it does not stop you from setting high goals and achieving them. In fact, being single gives you the time and energy to pursue and realise your dreams. Who knows? You may even meet your Mr or Miss right in the process of pursuing your dreams.

The stage of single life is a time to discover who you really are, your purpose in life. It is a time to plan on how to fulfil your destiny and be successful in life. It is indeed a preparatory stage for a successful life. What you put in at this stage will determine the result you get in future even when you are finally married.

Many people are depressed and miserable because they are still single at a particular age. This I must say may even be the reason why they are still single. Every man or woman will want to share the rest of their lives with a cheerful and happy person. Enjoying being single will always make your face to shine. You will think positively and be a blessing to the people around you. Read more...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Building the Right Foundation for Marriage

Marriage is one of the most beautiful things God made. It is one of the channels where we exercise our God-like nature of love and commitment to responsibilities. Successful marriages and healthy families are not wished to be but they are worked. And building the right foundation is most necessary if you want your marriage and family to stand the test of time.

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3, KJV). How successful you want your home to be determines how deep and strong your foundation should be. The challenges will certainly come but whether your family will overcome is determined by the type of foundation you have laid.

Jesus Christ is the most dependable, reliable and durable foundation. Building your marriage and family on Jesus is the wisest thing to do if you are going to enjoy a successful marriage and healthy family. God instituted marriage and therefore has the manual for building great ones.

Your relationship with Jesus determines the kind of relationship you will have with your spouse and children. When you know how to talk, relate or respond to Jesus, you will know how to do same with your family.
Many people desire successful marriages and healthy families but they are far from seeing it because they are far from Jesus. As you build your relationship with Jesus, you are building yourself to enjoy your marriage and a healthy family. Read more...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Family Success and All Round Success

 Imagine an executive woman that is a miserable wife and a depressed mother. Imagine a successful businessman with one or two wanted people as family members. Success in life is always threatened or hindered by lack of family success. All round success is only possible when there is peace, love and harmony in the family.

The emotional stress and strain that come with troubled family will inevitably affect your productivity at work. The mind is crowded with worried thoughts and cannot focus to reason well. Your relationship with co-workers, clients or staff deteriorates and everything goes haywire. Success in life is hinged to your family success.

No matter how insignificant an issue at home may seem initially, if not curbed may escalate to an undesirable situation. There is need for one to pay more attention to the family and make every necessary contribution towards her success. A family is like a garden that needs to be attended to regularly; otherwise, the weeds will over power the crops.

It is an erroneous decision to ignore the family and pursue your personal success. This is because a bad family reputation will haunt you. If you have a thief in the family, you will always be referred to as the sister or brother of the thief. A Leopard cannot run away from its spots.