God's Glory

God's Glory

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sermon: How to Be a Neighbour

Man is made both to be a neighbour and to have neighbours. No man is an Island. For man to survive and operate successfully on earth, he must relate with people effectively.  True enjoyment in life involves being a neighbour and having neighbours.

The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (6th Edition) defines a neighbour as:

Firstly, a person who lives next to you or near you;
Secondly, a person or thing that is standing or situated next to another person or thing
Thirdly, a neighbour (literary) can be any other human being.
On the other hand, the scriptures, in addition, describe a neighbour (I will refer to this description in this post), as a person who renders help in any form to another person in need.

Now to continue in this sermon, the text is taken from Luke 10:25-37.

In this passage, Jesus tells a story to answer the question “Who is my neighbour?” He tells a story of a man who was attacked by thieves, wounded and left half dead. A priest and a Levite came and passed by him. However, a Samaritan came and had compassion on him, he bound up his wounds, and took him to an inn, and took care of him. Before departing in the morning, he gave the host some money to take care of the man and promised to reimburse the host, at his return, of any additional expense he may incur in the process of taking care of the injured man. Read more...

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