God's Glory

God's Glory

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The 3 Ways To Increase The Amazing Grace Of God Upon Your Life

The Amazing grace of God, which is the unmerited favour of God and blessings has been given to all and can be multiplied. We are in the dispensation of grace and God's grace is the key to a successful and victorious life. By Grace are we justified, saved, sustained, perfected, helped and alive, etc. That means we really need to grow in grace as Peter encouraged every Christian. This post gives the 3 ways to achieve this.
3 ways to increase the grace of God upon your life

1. Through the knowledge of God and Jesus

As you increase your knowledge of God, you also increase in God's grace. The word of God reveals more about God to you; builds your faith in God and increases your tendencies to reach out for His grace. Jesus wants to make Himself known to us more and as we allow Him by studying God's word and listening to sound teachings, His grace will be imparted upon us, even the grace of God to give.

2. Through prayers

Paul admonishes us to come boldly to the throne of grace and obtain grace. Jesus said that if we ask we shall receive. So ask God to multiply His Amazing grace upon your life, knowing that when you ask you shall surely receive. Receive more grace of God daily and your life will never be the same. Read more...

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