God's Glory

God's Glory

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Prayer and Fasting-A Good Way To Start The New Year


How do you want this year to turn out or what are your expectations for the year? The year has started rolling out her days; soon we will be counting more weeks and months down the year. We must guide it down the path that will be in our favour, and prayer and fasting is one of the tools to use in achieving this. Fasting and prayer is a good way to start the New Year, taking steps towards actualizing your desired outcome for this New Year.


Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from Him the right way for us and our little ones and all our possessions. So we fasted and entreated our God for this, and He answered our prayer - Ezra 8:21, 23 (NKJV).


However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting - Matthew 17:21 (NKJV).


Failing to prepare is preparing to fail - Dr David Oyedepo.

Preparation-A vital step

Many people start a New Year with no preparations. They just expect to tackle issues as they unfold. This may not be a bad idea but you can do better than that. The year you prepare for, especially spiritually, will yield greater results than the one you are not prepared for. Jotham became great because he prepared his ways before the Lord (2 Chronicles 27:6).

Engage Divine Direction

The Lord made this year (Revelations 4:11) and so has the manual for it. Therefore, it is wise to go before the maker and ask for the manual to avoid abuse and unpleasant eventualities as much as possible. Prayer and fasting is the right way to seek God for such issues. During this process, you humble yourself before God and subdue all fleshly desires that may stand in your way of connection with God. You spend time studying the word and praying while listening for instructions for the year from God. Read more...


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

First And Foremost, What Is Your Stand With God?

What is your stand with the Father at this time? What can prevent you from receiving the fulfillment of the prophecies in your life? It is the will of God to fulfill them but certain things in your life may need to be cleaned up first. This post emphasizes the need to examine yourself.


Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified - 2 Corinthians 13:5 (NKJV).


Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down - Revelation 12:10 (NKJV).


Your inheritance is sure waiting for you, but you need to qualify to receive it. The enemy will be glad to steal your blessing, and so will go before God to accuse you of any unrepented sin. This calls for you to examine yourself now and repent of any un-confessed sin.

Purge Yourself

There is a need for you to purge yourself of any iniquity, including any filthy thoughts. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you areas of your life that need to be cleansed, ask for forgiveness and sin no more (John 8:11).


Your offence could be disobedience to the divine assignment. If you are yet to carry out a divine assignment given to you, it could hinder the fulfillment of prophecy in your life. When Jonah refused to go to Nineveh, he got calamity instead of blessings (Jonah 1:1-17). On the other hand, when Abraham obeyed the divine instruction given to him, God swore a blessing upon him and his descendants which is still speaking in their lives today (Genesis 22:1-18).  Read more...