God's Glory

God's Glory

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

God And Names

You are your name and it affects how people and spiritual beings relate to you, including God Almighty. God honours your names and relates to you accordingly too. It calls for examination of your names. This post explains the relationship God has with names.

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them - Genesis 1:27 (NKJV)

Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name - Genesis 2:19 (NKJV)

And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins - Matthew 1:21 (NKJV)

Man was created in the image of God, having the will and power to choose and make decisions, and God honours our will. This is why He will never force you to receive Christ as your saviour (Revelations 3:20), though by His Spirit He will give you opportunities to make the right choice, which is to choose Jesus.

Therefore, whatever name you give a thing or person is what he will be called. For instance, God brought all animals to Adam for him to name them, and whatever Adam called each animal, that was its name - Genesis 2:19. God respects your choices.

However, the meanings of these names influence how God relates to the individuals. A name defines you. It is a description of your personality and it interprets your traits. It can be a statement, giving a glimpse to your future or a prayer that you should live up to the potential expressed in the name.

When Jesus was to be born, God specifically gave the name he was to be called because His name was to agree with what God was going to use Him to do. He was called Jesus (savior) because God was going to use Him to save people from their sins - Matthew 1:21. And He lived up to His name; He died and men are being saved - Romans 5:6-9 Read more...

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What Is In A Name?

What is the meaning of your name? Could your name be contributing to what is happening in your life? Every name is significant, even the one without a meaning means meaningless. This post gives the power and significance of names

“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” – Proverbs 22:1 (NIV)

And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins – Matthew 1:21 (NKJV)

A name effectively describes you in a way more than you can understand with your common sense. Your name does not just represent you, it is who you are. It is not merely a combination of letters to form a word used to refer to you, it actually defines you. It is a description of your personality and it interprets your traits. It can be a statement, giving a glimpse to your future or a prayer that you should live up to the potential expressed in the name.

Significance Of A Name
Your name signifies your person, character, value, reputation, ownership, will and authority.
  • Speaking and writing in “the name” means authority – Esther 8:8
  • Naming something signifies your ownership of that person or thing – Genesis 2:23, Genesis 48:5-6, 16
  • Forgetting God’s name means to depart from Him – Jeremiah 23:27
  • Acting in another person(s) name means representing them – Acts 4:7-10
  • To blot out someone’s name is the destruction of the person – Deuteronomy 9:14
  • A name signifies one’s reputation (Mark 6:14) and character – Genesis 27:36
  • To believe in someone’s name is to believe in his person – John 1:12
Adam means red earth signifying his origin, for man was formed out of the dust of the ground – Genesis 2:7. It also indicates his end; at death man returns to the ground – Genesis 3:19.
Adam was given the power to name the animals and their names say a lot about them. A lion, legendary ruler, known as the king of the jungle depicts wisdom, self-control, focus, courage and strength.  And Christ is called the king of kings, the lion of the tribe of Judah. Also, the Hebrew name for donkey is chamer from the word “chomer” meaning material, heavy. And donkey is used as a working animal; it can carry heavy materials comfortably.

When God met Moses at the burning bush and commissioned him to go and deliver the Israelites, Moses asked for His name should the children of Israel ask him – Exodus 3:13. Read more...

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Book Summary-Word Foundation Pillar

Today, we will be looking at another summary from Pillars of Destiny by David O. Oyedepo

The Word of God is master key of life. There is nothing life can demand that is not obtainable from it. The Word is where it all begins; it is the foundation of our faith. The quality and quantity of the Word of God you have is what determines your destiny and how much of life you enjoy. Knowing the scriptures and practicing or living it guarantees you a life full of profits, peace and joy.

  • It carries God's power - John 6:63
  • It carries God's life - 2 Peter 1:4
  • It carries God's wisdom - 2 Timothy 3:15
  • It communicates divine health - Proverbs 4:20-22
  • It communicates in-explainable peace that cannot be measured scientifically - 2 Peter 1:2
  • It also communicates divine joy that cannot be interpreted - Jeremiah 15:16
  • It nourishes the body - Isaiah 55:1-3
  • It carries spiritual weapon against obstacles on your way - Jeremiah 23:29
  • The knowledge of the Word of God is what puts you in command and gives you mastery over the issues of life - Matthew 16:19
  • Every exploit in life is a product of information - Deuteronomy 28:1
  • Knowledge will open any door to which it is directed - Revelation 3:7. Jesus has the key and He is the Word of God.
  • We all have equal access by the blood of the lamb to the Word of God - John 7:37
  • To provoke signs - Mark 16:20
  • It is the key to dignity - Psalm 45:3-4
  • It guarantees dominion - John 1:5
  • Your inheritance is released - Acts 20:32.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Pillars of Destiny by David O. Oyedepo Book (Success Pillar ) Summary

Success in life is a life-long adventure, as no one actually graduates from the school of success. We all have equal opportunities to succeed in life, but for you to have good success, one that is true and lasting; it must be rooted in God and His Word. It is God who gives success and the grace to enjoy it as well. That is why a truly successful person is not only successful in the works of his hands, but also in his family, health, mentality, etc., and so a discovery of what true success is and how to achieve it will put you on the right road to good success.

  • Success is satisfactory realization of a given goal or set objectives
  • Success is not a destination nor a function of position or possession, but a function of fulfillment in life.
  • True success is accomplished stewardship towards God and men, serving God's purpose and promoting mankind's welfare on earth - Luke 22:25-27
  • It is not merely about getting results, but about getting results in successions, one result after another; unlimited success - Psalm 92:14
  • The attainment of success begins with a discovery from the right source - Joshua 1:8, Deuteronomy 28:1
You can never be fulfilled until you locate and begin to pursue God's purpose for your life. Luke 4:18-19 defines Jesus Christ purpose on earth. He kept to it all through His days of earthly ministry

Three avenues through which you could locate God's purpose for your life are:
  • Calling - this is a divine revelation that defines God's purpose for your life - 1 Thessalonians 5:24
  • Gifting - this is when you discover the natural endowments inherent in you, the productive abilities that flow out of you naturally - Mathew 25:14-15
  • Choices - the power of your choice in locating God's purpose for your life covers areas like academics, business, professional practices, but not ministry which is strictly by divine calling - Deuteronomy 30:19
  • Information is power and a very great asset in the world of success
  • You must be informed in order to be transformed
  • The value you place on information determines the level of transformation you will enjoy
  • To be a resounding success on earth, you need a working knowledge of your assignment, no matter what it is.
  • Reading is the most effective avenue for information acquisition - 2 Timothy 2:15, 1 Timothy 4:13,15
  • The quality of information that finds its way into your mind determines the quality of your mind.
  • Great minds are not born, they are personally developed.
  • Every reader is a successful leader and every successful leader is an avid reader Read more...