God's Glory

God's Glory

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to Pray Effectively and Get Results

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 (KJV) The essence of pray is to get results, to have your prayers answered. Many people pray but get no results because they do not know how to pray effectively. Our Father really wants to answer ALL our prayers but we need to know how to effectively pray and receive these answers.

Prayer is a channel of communication with God and for you to effectively communicate with Him, you need to identify who He is to you. If you see God as a task master you will relate and talk to Him as a hard boss. But if you see Him as a father, you will relate and talk to Him as a child would talk to his father. It is very important to identify your level of relationship with God because this will affect your state of mind and mode of approach in prayers.

In addition to knowing your relationship with God, you need to know and practice the following steps on how to pray effectively:

1. Believe that God will answer you.
Doubting God’s will to answer you will produce no result no matter how long you pray and cry to Him. God says in 3 John 2 that He wishes above all things that we prosper and be health, even as our souls prosper. So, you must believe that He will answer you to get results.

2. You need to know and meditate on what God says about that issue you want to pray about.
This will strengthen your faith in God and His willingness to answer you. The Word of God concerning that issue will become very real to you. Also, it will drive away any form of fear, doubt or unbelief that will try to stop you from receiving your answers. Read more...